Bringing God’s Will to Decision Making

September 29, 2012 - Leave a Response

Marshall Vian Summers is God’s prophet and messenger for this God's Will in your Decision Makingmillennium. He brings a new revelation from God at a time of impending global crisis. He brings a new spirituality for human civilization at risk of collapse.

Humanity faces six converging catastrophes that constitute the global crisis known as the Great Waves of change :

  • Changing climate and violent weather
  • Scarcity of food, energy and clean water
  • Loss of biodiversity and environmental degradation
  • Contraction of the global economy
  • Increased social disorder, violence and resource wars
  • E.T. intervention–in fact a silent alien invasion

The new revelation Summers has received tells us that you and I were born to serve the world in this time of global crisis. We were sent from our Ancient Home–the spirit world, if you will–to contribute our spiritual gifts to a world in need.

Central to the New Message from God is “Knowledge”, the deeper intelligence within each of us that remains connected to God. In the Christian faith, Knowledge equates to Holy Spirit. Quakers call it the Inner Light or the Light Within. The New Thought movement calls it the Christ Consciousness. Some call it inner knowing, self-knowledge or direct knowing.

Knowledge can manifest as deep conscience, intuition, instinct and insight, but it is deeper than all these things. Knowledge is an inner guide in decision making, a voice, a presence, a feeling–but much greater than all of this. Knowledge is the part of God that lives inside you. Knowledge is wholly unified, so Knowledge within you is in perfect harmony with everyone else on Earth, and even with all intelligent life in the universe. There is no “my Knowledge” and “your Knowledge”.

Have you ever felt Knowledge in decision making? Have you tried to make a commitment but been restrained by a deep feeling within? Walking down the aisle at your wedding and you just know that this isn’t the right marriage, and this is confirmed to you decades later, perhaps, after children and lost years? Knowledge can save your life, save you from wasted decades, save you from costly and tragic error.

Knowledge involves itself in your life and in your decision making because Knowledge needs your contribution to the world. Knowledge is on a mission, and it is trying to move you. It is calling to you to be a part of the movement of redemption, reunion and restoration in the universe. As the global crisis of the Great Waves of change unfold, Knowledge will be the calling of peace, unity, cooperation, contribution, compassion, patience and resilience.

The revelation from God that Marshall Vian Summers brings is calling for you and me to bring our decision making to Knowledge, to that deeper mind within us, so that Knowledge can bless the world, to reach from person to person, to reclaim the separated.


Faster-than-light neutrinos and interplanetary space travel

September 27, 2011 - Leave a Response

An experiment by the OPERA collaboration in Italy found accidentally that neutrinos were breaking the speed of light, and thus breaking the law of special relativity. While it’s very possible that the experiment was flawed, there’s also a good chance that the Universe is refusing to obey human physics.

It reminds me of the revelation from 2000,  “the Problem of Human Denial,”  addressing the complaint that no extraterrestrial civilizations can reach us, at least not quickly:

You will hear scientists say, “Well, it is not possible for another race to get here given the limitations of travel and speed and so forth.” How presumptuous! Do human beings dare to presume what other nations and cultures have been able to develop over a long period of time? Is the Universe limited by human understanding? Is it not possible that other races could have far surpassed human accomplishment in technology?

God has sent a message to humanity. It was sent here to prepare the people of Earth for contact with a Universe full of life, where competition is fierce among intelligent races of beings for limited resources.

Our naivete is a big risk, accompanied as it is by arrogance, superstition, and a gift for denial. Fortunately, in each of us there is the capacity to discern the truth, to see what is there,  and to know God’s will for our lives.

May enough of us develop that capacity, before it’s too late. And may the New Message from God find its people, those who were sent to find it, to learn it, to share it, and with it contribute to a world in dire need of contribution.

The Rich Must Take Care of the Poor

December 3, 2010 - Leave a Response

…and the poor must take care of each other.

So says the New Message from God. It’s not just an ethical position or the demands of a social commentator or political worldview. God’s message for this time says that the rich must take care of the poor.

The world as a whole cannot afford so big a disparity between the rich and poor. In a sense it’s a matter of global security. As the great waves of change approach there aren’t enough resources to enforce the wealth imbalance, or to power the conflicts that arise. Cooperation costs less and given what is coming, the Earth’s resources are needed.

Humanity is still growing in numbers, while the climate destabilizes, making food and water harder to come by. The potential for war and violence is gargantuan.

And what an opportunity for Extraterrestrial intruders: humanity divided, hungry, desperate, at war with itself, despairing of our ability to work together and live in peace. “Won’t someone save us from ourselves?!” As everyone gets poorer, the extremes of wealth and poverty cannot be afforded. We could lose everything.

How do we do it, though? How must I take care of the poor? I ask myself sometimes. My contributions all go to the New Message, and I Know that is right for me as a person of the New Message.

I’ve heard stories of families taking in other families during the Great Depression–that’s a possibility. I can see that happening as times get harder. But how else? Cut my consumption further and find more money to give? Send it to non-profits? Give it to local families?

What do you think? How must you take care of the poor? I welcome your insights.

The Age of Peace

September 23, 2010 - Leave a Response

People want peace. We wish for an end to war, to violence and to oppression. We hope for a more just and peaceful future. We may even expect a more just and peaceful future — an Age of Peace.

But the Age of Peace is coming to an end. As fraught as the last half century has been with violence, poverty, oppression and war, it was probably the most orderly and peaceful episode in history.

But now the storm clouds are building, as political leaders around the world face the need to provide for their nations and groups in a resource-constrained future. The coming decades will see war and conflict escalate throughout the world — war and conflict over food, water, energy.

God has sent a New Message to the world. It warns of the need for cooperation between peoples and nations. It warns of the dire consequences of engaging in resource wars. And it warns you and me to curb our actions and attitudes that require and encourage war, namely denial, over-consumption, and blame.

God’s New Message prepares us to face a world of scarcity, conflict and decline. Hopes and expectations for a peaceful world, a stable world, a just world and an abundant world — these will need to be set aside. Peace is not what’s coming. Change is coming.

Twenty years from now the world will be unrecognizable. Nations will collapse. Economies will collapse. Ecosystems will collapse. This is not the bright future we’ve been hoping for. But it is what’s coming.

The order and relative peace that you and I have enjoyed in recent decades is going to give way to struggle and conflict. How will we cope with this?

According to M.V. Summers, God’s Messenger, there is a boundless source of security and certainty within each of us. God placed it there, and in fact it is our lifeline to the Creator. It’s called Knowledge, and it’s a deeper mind that we each possess.

You may remember it. Perhaps it moved you like intuition, withheld you from a destructive relationship, guided you to take a specific action, or to pursue some endeavor. Maybe you felt it as a sense of purpose, a sense of God’s will in your life.

The New Message is about building our relationship with Knowledge, our relationship with God. This relationship will be the source of your strength and stability as the world grows ever more insecure, as the institutions and assumptions that you depended on begin to crumble.

In abiding with Knowledge within us, in heeding its call to action in our own lives, in following its will, in experiencing its power and presence, here we each can experience the deepest peace, as around us the Age of Peace concludes.

It’s all good

June 9, 2010 - One Response

Many would say that everything happens for a reason, that it all turns out for the best, that what must be will be.

The New Message from God seems to say otherwise. Things didn’t have to turn out the way that they are today. The poverty, the environmental decline, the permanent loss of so many species, the wars, the suffering, the struggle: it didn’t have to be this way.

The future that the human family faces together is not written. We will determine whether and how the collapse of our environment, our economies, our social structures, and our nations occur. Things could go many ways.

As the people of earth face global unrest, environmental decline, energy scarcity, food deprivation, and shortages of fresh water, the future is in our hands. God doesn’t govern our world. God doesn’t control what goes on here. We face forces of nature. We face the consequence of human history. We face the results of our own actions. And we face interference from other intelligent races from the universe.

God has placed within the heart of each person Knowledge, a deeper mind, a connected mind, a mind that truly knows the will of the Creator and the resolution to our many problems. This is the answer to our prayers for deliverance. It has already been given to us.

So as we face a difficult future, we don’t have to make it okay. We don’t have to look out on suffering and conflict and justify it in the name of a meddling God, a cruel God, a negligent God. God has sent the solution and it’s in you. No miracles, no magic. Just the most powerful force in the Universe, and it lies dormant in your heart, waiting for you to find it and build a bridge to it in your experience.

Allow Knowledge to take root in your life. Let your actions flow from its direction. Let it bless you with its grace. It is your connection to the divine, and in a world of so much tragedy and need, it is the one thing that is all good.

Dire Need

June 8, 2010 - One Response

The human family faces two unprecedented challenges.

  1. The overuse and destruction of the earth’s natural resources: we face global deprivation of energy, food and fresh water. Desparate conflict over what remains has us teetering at the brink of global civilization collapse.
  2. Alien takeover: quietly and insidiously, extraterrestrial forces are working to wrest control of our planet while we compete and fight with each other. They have been working at this for over six decades, manipulating leaders and building alliances.

Without a new message from God, we would assuredly fall in the face of one or both of these great challenges, descending into violence and chaos and/or becoming a client state enslaved by extraterrestrial masters whose rule would be harsh and exacting.

We still may face such a bleak future. But through Marshall Summers, God’s emmisary for this time, God has sent a new message, a blessing, a preparation, a warning, a calling, a redemption.

Thus God intervenes: not with a magic hand, not with frogs and pestilence, nor glowing light and healing: God sends an empowerment of the highest order.

God has blessed us with the Knowledge and the perspective we need to face and overcome the great obstacles before us all, so that we may discover and develop our gifts, and contribute them, to a world and even a galaxy in need of great, great blessing.